Summary of the today’s top items:
Two meetings - The big event Friday is the election of the president and vice president of the PRC. The odds favor Xi winning a third-term as president…Han Zheng, the 7th ranked standing committee member in the 19th Party Congress is likely the new Vice President. If he does get that post it will force many of us, yours truly included, to revisit the speculations about why Wang Qishan became vice president after stepping down as a standing committee member of the 18th Party Congress.
Toward Modernity: The Value of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought - A new think tank report, fun weekend reading.
Taiwan President Tsai’s upcoming visit to the US - The Financial Times reports that Tsai will visit New York and California. As I have discussed several times in the newsletter and on the Sharp China podcast, don't be surprised if the PRC reaction to Tsai’s visit is even more intense than the reaction to the Pelosi visit last August. Do Tsai and her team think that …