Reform Scorecard, North Korea, Propaganda Teams, Party Everywhere But Not A Fun One, Zuckerberg And Xi--Sinocism-11.02.17
Happy Thursday, apologies that the newsletter is a few hours later than normal, was stuck in meetings this AM. Readers who follow me on Twitter knew it would come out around noon. I usually get up at 4 AM and my goal is to get it into your inboxes before 8AM EST, but consider that a goal rather than a hard promise...some days 4 AM feels really early.
President Trump's Asia tour begins Friday, and he arrives in Beijing next Wednesday. I am working on getting better insight into what we should expect but so far details are thin. As I have noted in the last couple of newsletters Xi looks to be working on something North Korea-related ahead of Trump's visit to display his global statesman and "peacemaking" prowess.
Thanks for reading.
The Essential Eight
1. Does Xi Have A Korean Surprise Waiting For President Trump?
Comment: The headline is misleading in calling it a "blink". It is a smart correction of a mistaken policy, that will likely reduce Trump’s multilateral DPRK options and leverage ahead of his Asia visit. There seems to be a not insignificant risk that Xi may turn South Korea and drive a real wedge between US and South Korea given Trump policies and Abe's views of South Korea.
China Blinks on South Korea, Making Nice After a Year of Hostilities - New York Times:
“It’s going to undermine the Trump administration’s effort to build solidarity among the U.S., Japan, and Korea to put pressure not only on North Korea, but on China to do more on North Korea,” said Michael J. Green, an Asia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Xi Jinping ‘wants to improve ties with North Korea’ | South China Morning Post:
Details of Xi’s message were reported by North Korea’s official news agency, but his remarks were not carried by Chinese state media.
“I wish that under the new situation the Chinese side will make efforts with the DPRK to promote relations between the two parties … for stable development and thus make a positive contribution to providing the peoples of the two countries with greater happiness and to defend regional peace and stability and common prosperity,” Xi was quoted as saying by the Korean Central News Agency.
Chinese state councilor, U.S. secretary of state talk by phone - Xinhua:
Yang, who is also a member of Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, exchanged views with Tillerson on the preparation of Trump's state visit to China next week at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
2. PRC System Focused on Propaganda Work To Get Out The "Good Word" of the 19th Party Congress
Xi protégé on high-powered propaganda team to spread president’s message | South China Morning Post
Observers said the decision to include Chen Miner, Xi’s close associate and one of the youngest Politburo members, in the group pointed to his expanding role in the leadership.
The Politburo trio will be part of a 36-member “central publicity team” that from Sunday will go to companies, villages, schools, communities and government departments to talk about the key points made in Xi’s 3½-hour speech at the Communist Party’s national congress last month, according to Xinhua.
The Party Center issued a decision to guide propagandizing and implementation of the spirit of the 19th Party Congress-中共中央关于认真学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神的决定--时政--人民网:
In two speeches since the Party Congress Standing Committee member and propaganda and ideology czar Wang Huning has emphasized the “seven things that need to be explained clearly”-当前最重要的政治任务 王沪宁提到7个讲清楚|王沪宁|研究室|宣讲团_新浪新闻:
the clear themes of the 19th Party Congress;
the rich meaning of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;
the historical transformations of Party and State affairs since the 18th Party Congress;
the important meaning of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era;
the profound influence in the change of the principal contradiction;
the two centenary goals;
the important "deployments" to comprehensively strictly govern the Party.
3. Xi Promotes PLA Discipline Chief And CMC Member Zhang Shengmin
China promotes military anti-graft chief to general - Xinhua:
The Central Military Commission (CMC) on Thursday promoted Zhang Shengmin, secretary of its discipline inspection commission, to the rank of general, the highest rank for officers on active service in China.
Watch the Pomp: CCTV Evening News on the promotion ceremony 中央军委举行晋升上将军衔仪式 习近平向晋升上将军衔的张升民颁发命令状并表示祝贺
Make A List: Which PLA officers are next to be arrested? The corruption crackdown and personnel reshuffling are far from over.
4. A China Reform Scorecard Gives Failing Grades
Comment: Party and PLA reform not areas covered in this report. In those Xi gets an A. The rest of the Third Plenum agenda? A failing grade so far, the question is now that Xi looks so powerful will the mooted reforms come?
I would not expect much news around economic reforms, even though concepts like Supply-side Structural Reform are now enshrined in the Party Constitution, until the central Economic Work Conference in December, at the earliest.
Based on data available at drafting (in most cases, through 2Q2017), China’s economic reform program remains incomplete. Indeed in many areas it appears to have stalled. There has been some progress, for example in lifting the share of innovative industries in economic output, but most objectives are at best standing still. Numerous areas of reform are behind based on the Chinese data we highlight, including labor reform as gauged by wage growth for lower-income migrant workers, competition policy, cross-border investment policy, and fiscal policy reform. Five out of ten areas show at best mixed results, with little movement to date (in financial system, state owned enterprise rationalization, trade, land, and environmental reform). Policy movement, a precursor of future outcomes, is often mixed, with continued public displays of policy resolve, but limited fundamental progress on the ground.
5. Wang Qishan Essay Reminds That “The Party, Government, Military, Society, Education, North, South, East, West—The Party Leads Everything”
Comment: I do not think it is a sign of any likely future role that Wang has a chapter in this book about Xi's speeches; it just makes sense that he would have a chapter in this book. That said, the rumors are flying that Wang will be named Vice President with the “barbarian management” aka foreign relations portfolio. Isn't Wang one of the officials Western observers and interlocutors often said was a reformer? That is a reminder to be very careful throwing around the term "reformer" without being very specific what you mean by reform. Again, Xi, Wang et al get an A for Party reform, but that is not what most were hoping for/expecting.
All President Xi Jinping’s key speeches in over past five years can be summarised with one message: ensuring the leading role of the Communist Party in all aspects of life, according to his key ally Wang Qishan.
The former anti-corruption chief’s succinct summary of Xi’s speeches – which have featured in hundreds, if not thousands, of publications on the mainland – came as the party enshrined the president’s political thoughts into the party charter and guide to action at last month’s 19th party congress.
The official state publisher this week released an authoritative book elaborating the policy rationale behind Xi’s three and a half-hour speech at the congress, including a chapter written by Wang Qishan.
6. China Has Played The WTO System Better Than Any Country
Comment: Excellent overview in the Wall Street Journal, wish they had named the Steptoe lawyers who helped Beijing so much.
How China Swallowed the WTO - WSJ:
Since 2007, China has been party to more than a quarter of all WTO cases, as trading partners scrambled to erect barriers protecting their industries while demanding better access to China’s markets.
Facing such pressures, Chinese officials set about to master the process. China sought out disputes in which it had no direct stake and joined more than 100 as a “third party,” giving officials access to proceedings as observers. The Chinese offered large stipends to prominent American and European trade-law scholars to teach seminars in China for young bureaucrats. They retained top U.S. law firms. Steptoe & Johnson LLP became the go-to firm for combating a new American policy imposing extra-steep duties on Chinese imports aided by allegedly illegal subsidies; one member of the Steptoe China team had staffed the WTO appellate body for six years.
Better management of the world’s fish stocks has been a major focus of attention of World Trade Organisation talks this year and hopes of a deal at a ministerial conference in December is widely seen to ride on China’s willingness to accept such curbs.
China’s proposal to ban subsidies to vessels engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing – which the WTO published just as a Chinese delegate presented it at the fisheries negotiations – came with several caveats.
7. Facebook Still Hoping Xi Jinping Will Throw It A Bone
Comment: I believe Facebook generates will over 1 billion dollars a year selling ads to PRC firms who buy outs on those properties outside of China. But it is left groveling for a shrinking pile of bitter crumbs even as the Chinese internet cake keeps growing, and given the Party's view of propaganda and information control, the Russian manipulation of these platforms around the US election and the super-competitive Chinese market it does not look likely that Facebook will achieve any meaningful business on the ChiComNet.
Facebook, Take Note: In China’s ‘New Era,’ the Communist Party Comes First - WSJ - Li Yuan:
Mr. Zuckerberg and the other American technology leaders should recognize that China is entering a “new era”—a phrase used in the title of Mr. Xi’s speech to the congress. In this era, according to Mr. Xi’s policy blueprint, the Communist Party will be supreme. The bargaining power of foreign tech companies, never high, is likely to dwindle.
“Zuckerberg and so forth have many illusions about China,” says Chen Zhiwu, director of Asia Global Institute and professor of economics at the University of Hong Kong. Chief among them, he said, is a tendency to see Chinese leaders as economic pragmatists and play down political statements. “They should understand it’s really different this time,” he says.
The rise of #Xiplomacy and China’s strategic narrative- ASPI:
Last month the New York Times revealed that Facebook had helped state broadcaster CCTV set up a Facebook page for President Xi Jinping. A small but very interesting detail to emerge as Facebook continues its efforts to crack the Chinese market. Called ‘Xi’s Visit’, the Facebook page provides almost daily updates on the president’s schedule, with a particular focus on his overseas trips and his attendance at multilateral events in China. It, too, turns to animated videos to explain China’s foreign policies.
Backlash Likely: Promoting Xi and The CCP while also trying to deal with the fallout from Russia's manipulation may be problematic for Facebook...
8. Foreign Firms Clamoring To Profit From China's Panopticon 2.0 Plans
Who Wants to Supply China’s Surveillance State? The West - WSJ:
The surveillance-equipment market in China was valued at $6.4 billion last year, according to IHS Markit ...
Seagate Technology PLC, Qualcomm Inc. and United Technologies Corp. were among the foreign companies to show their wares at the 16th China Public Security Expo, where prospective customers included Chinese police, government officials and businesses.
“Ninety percent of the companies here have some kind of facial-recognition products, and they all want to sell it to the police,” said Jiang Jun, an executive of CloudWalk Technology Co., which is a two-year-old startup from Chongqing.
Eric Schmidt on AI: 'Trust me, these Chinese people are good' - Business Insider:
Speaking at the Artificial Intelligence and Global Security Summit on Wednesday, the former Google CEO said: "Trust me, these Chinese people are good."
He added: "They are going to use this technology for both commercial as well as military objectives with all sorts of implications."
Business, Economy, Finance And Trade
Tesla Rolls Out Rough Timeline, Targets for China Car Factory - Caixin Global “The China plan is sort of … a rough target to start production in about three years. It would be serving the China market and perhaps some other countries in the region,” said CEO Elon Musk, answering questions on a call to discuss the company’s latest financial results released on Wednesday. // Comment: Sure smells like Tesla "announced" the China production ahead of weak earnings to distract investors...
Opinion: State-of-the-Art Intellectual Property Laws Hamstrung by Uneven Enforcement - Caixin Global Chinese IPR protection is by now in many ways state of the art. Just last September the government reinvigorated its reform efforts with a new 11-point action-plan. However, so far the results are decidedly mixed. The problem lies in enforcement, which still seems anything but reliable.-Michael Clauss is the German ambassador to China
Peer-to-Peer Loans Drop for Second Straight Month - Caixin Global Last month, online platforms in China that match lenders with borrowers extended more than 218.4 billion yuan ($33.20 billion) worth of loans, 7.12% less than in September, according to a report released on Wednesday by Wangdai Zhijia — Mandarin for “Online Lending House” — a research firm that tracks the online-lending industry. P2P loans matched online dropped 5.78% in September from August. But still, outstanding online P2P loans almost doubled as of the end of October from a year ago, at 5.78 trillion yuan, the report said.
China eyes more U.S. access for its aircraft, parts with new deal - Reuters The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said in an e-mail to Reuters that an agreement it announced last month with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would widen “mutual recognition” of each country’s aviation products.
China's Scrutiny of HNA Sends Its Refinancing Cost to Record - Bloomberg The sale is the latest indication that HNA’s $40-billion-plus acquisition spree since last year, where it became the largest shareholder in companies such as Deutsche Bank AG and Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc., is catching up to the company as it accumulated about $28 billion in short-term debt. HNA’s interest expenses doubled in the first half, when it paid more than any other non-financial company outside of the U.S. and Brazil, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
China Takes First Step Toward Regulating E-Commerce - Sixth Tone Making a quick buck online could become a thing of the past for China’s online sellers, who may have to the register with authorities and pay tax if a draft law being considered by the country’s top lawmakers is passed.
Privatisation of China ‘zombie’ steelmaker sets precedent - FT $$ “Shen Wenrong’s intervention in Dongbei Special’s restructuring to become the largest shareholder has an extraordinary significance,” Qin Yuan, senior metals analyst at CIB Research, an arm of Industrial Bank, wrote in a report. “An advanced representative of China’s private economy has penetrated a core pillar of heavy industry in the north-east region, where the atmosphere of the state-owned economy is extremely thick.” // Comment: Did Shen and his Shagang Group participate willingly?
China Metal Magnate Faces Reality Under Xi - Bloomberg China Hongqiao Group Ltd. resumed trading in Hong Kong on Monday, ending a seven-month hiatus during which Zhang contested a research report that questioned his group’s famously low costs. The aluminum giant’s shares jumped 77 percent this week, making up ground lost to industry peers that have benefited from rising metal prices. Among the buyers was Zhang himself.
China’s Biggest Firms May See Ownership Shake-Up on Government Plan - Bloomberg A trial that would raise or remove the limit on the public float of mainland companies listed in Hong Kong, known as H-shares, would mark another step in China’s push to open its markets and assets to foreigners. While the reported trial would only feature two companies, if fully enacted it would mean companies like Postal Savings Bank of China Co. and China Reinsurance (Group) Corp. could be permitted to issue all their shares in Hong Kong. In the case of Postal Bank, only shares accounting for $12 billion of the firm’s $48 billion market value are available to trade.
Alibaba Raises Forecast After Quarterly Results Top Estimates - Bloomberg China’s biggest company raised its outlook for full-year revenue growth after reporting its fastest pace of sales since its record 2014 IPO -- an indicator of strong Chinese consumer spending
Politics, Law And Ideology
Xi Jinping cements grip on power at Party Congress: new leaders revealed and their influence on Tibet policy | International Campaign for Tibet On the sidelines of the Congress, during a press conference, Zhang Yijiong, Executive Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department, castigated the Dalai Lama as a ‘separatist’ – despite his known position seeking genuine autonomy – and warned foreign leaders not to meet him. Zhang also revealed an unprecedented position on Tibetan religion, describing Tibetan Buddhism as originating in China – countering what Xi Jinping has earlier acknowledged, which is that it originated in ancient India. This reflects the CCP’s efforts to assert its leadership in the ‘globalisation’ of Buddhism, undermining the position of India where Buddhism originated, and using religion as an instrument to achieve political goals. New and more restrictive measures to ‘Sinicize’ Buddhism were set in place before the Party Congress.
State Council appoints, removes officials - Xinhua Xiao Jie was appointed deputy secretary-general of the State Council, and Chen Xiaodong was appointed assistant foreign minister. Du Yongsheng was removed from his post as deputy head of the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets.
Finance Minister Appointed State Council’s Deputy Secretary General - Caixin Global Xiao Jie, 60, was also given two additional roles that give him greater say over central-government decision making. He was appointed secretary of the Work Committee for Central Government Organs, which gives guidance to the Communist Party organizations in central government agencies, and secretary of the State Council Leading Party Members’ Group, according to a government website. These roles were previously filled by State Councilor Yang Jing.
Billionaire accused of treating assistant as sex slave slapped with slander suit | Page Six Guo Wengui — the Chinese billionaire accused of treating his personal assistant as a sex slave — has been hit with a new slander suit. Journalist Watson Meng, the Duke grad who founded Chinese-language Web site in 2000, is suing Guo in Manhattan Supreme Court.
这4名中央书记处书记以新职务亮相 有3人工科出身_网易新闻 Interesting on the background of some of the members of the new Central Secretariat, says Chen Xi, Guo Shengjun and Ding Xuexiang all have engineering backgrounds // 他们之中,陈希、郭声琨和丁薛祥都是工科出身,陈希清华大学化工系毕业,而郭声琨和丁薛祥最初学的是冶金和机械。黄坤明是政教系毕业。此后,郭声琨、丁薛祥和黄坤明都研习过管理学专业。郭声琨和丁薛祥都是教授级高级工程师。
Foreign and Military Affairs
中央委员郑卫平上将出任战略支援部队政委_网易新闻 General Zheng Weiping is now the Political Commissar of the Strategic Support Forces
State Department Blocked Bid to Impose Reciprocal Curbs on Chinese Building in DC in Dispute Over Embassy Repairs - Washington Free Beacon The State Department, concerned about upsetting diplomatic ties, blocked a White House plan to restrict Chinese government construction in Washington until China allowed needed repairs to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Beijing asks New Delhi to follow ‘historical conventions’, wants India to have ‘normal ties’ with Bhutan | world-news | Hindustan Times China on Thursday said it stood for “normal ties” between India and Bhutan, a day after President Ram Nath Kovind praised visiting the Bhutanese king in New Delhi for the kingdom’s support during the Doklam standoff.
Malaysia and China: The new 'lips and teeth' duo- Nikkei Asian Review China and Malaysia are closer than they have ever been in over four decades of diplomatic relations. And if remarks by the outgoing Chinese ambassador are anything to go by, this may be only the beginning
How is China bolstering its military diplomatic relations? | ChinaPower Project To assess China’s military diplomacy, we have divided related activities into five categories that are discussed below. These delineations are derived from a 2017 report by National Defense University’s Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs entitled “Chinese Military Diplomacy, 2003-2016: Trends and Implications.”
Breakthrough to power most advanced jet launch system on China’s second home-grown aircraft carrier | South China Morning Post The development of the integrated propulsion system (IPS) would allow the vessel to be more efficient, allowing more power for an electromagnetic catapult, rather than a less technologically advanced steam-driven catapult launch system, the sources said.
Japan ‘pushes for summit’ with China and South Korea this year | South China Morning Post Cheng Yonghua, China’s ambassador to Japan, said China was “actively considering” the possibility of holding the trilateral summit and of high-level exchanges between China and Japan. But he also warned that “sensitive and complicated factors” persisted in bilateral relations.
Ministry of Defense:DEFENSE OF JAPAN 2017 The China section interesting
America still holds the aces in its poker game with China - FT $$ Jospeh Nye Imagine a visitor from Mars looking at the cards each player holds. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, our Martian would be wise to bet on the US. It holds four aces that are likely to outlast the Trump administration.
China's heavy-duty sea-dredging equipment plows ahead - Global Times Feng said that the company's Tianjing, or Sky whale, formerly the largest cutter-suction dredger in Asia used imported parts. Tianjing has been hailed as a mighty tool for island-building. The CCCC Tianjin Dedging Co. Ltd said that the Tiankun tops the list of similar boats in the world in distance of delivery and other aspects.
Xi stresses commitment to good China-Russia relations-Xinhua Xi said China is ready to work with Russia to expand cooperation in various fields, maintain close coordination in international affairs and promote the building of a community of shared future....China and Russia should cooperate in the development and utilization of the Arctic navigation channels to create a "Silk Road on the Ice," Xi said.
UN echoes China's concept in resolutions preventing outer space arms race - CGTN The Committee of Disarmament and International Security of the 72nd Session of UN General Assembly on Monday approved two draft resolutions on the prevention of an arms race in outer space: "No first placement of weapons in outer space" and "Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space." Both incorporated the concept of building a "community of shared future for mankind."
Chinese server giant Inspur in alliance with global tech leaders to offer fintech services along Belt and Road | South China Morning Post Inspur, China’s largest server maker, is partnering with four global IT companies – Cisco, IBM, Ericsson, and Diebold Nixdorf – to form a strategic digital economy alliance for the country’s “Belt and Road Initiative”, aimed at providing data centres and fintech-related services on economies along the trade routes.
The ACLU says the FBI is accusing Chinese-American scientists of espionage because of their race — Quartz “The FBI’s conduct in [Xi’s] case and others suggests that the government has been targeting Chinese-Americans because of their race or ethnicity,” // Comment: A big challenge for the FBI is that Beijing does have a strategy of targeting ethnic Chinese in America, putting them in an increasingly difficult position as it becomes clearer that the PRC under Xi Jinping is a potent strategic competitor espousing values that are inimical to the West's.
Hong Kong, Macao
Li Ka-shing's CK Asset Sells The Center for $5.15B | Mingtiandi CK Asset, which was formerly known as Cheung Kong Property Holdings, is selling The Center, a 73-storey office tower on Queen’s Road in Central, to CHMT Peaceful Development Asia Property, a BVI-registered entity said to be backed by a consortium of mainland and Hong Kong investors. The transaction is Asia’s most biggest sale of a single property this year.
Tech And Media
The Alibaba Warehouse Where Fake Goods Go to Die - Sixth Tone In late September, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba invited 15 university students to a quarterly briefing held by the company’s platform governance department. The event also included a tour of Alibaba’s so-called counterfeit evidence warehouse located in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, where fake goods seized from raids on unscrupulous online sellers are stored prior to the resolution of each case. The tour was the first time Alibaba had ever allowed college students into its counterfeits warehouse, and I was among the attendees.
Society, Art, Sports, Culture And History
US man dedicates life to Chinese character study - People's Daily Online Richard Sears from the U.S. is known in China as the founder of a website about Chinese etymology. Amazed with his two decades of effort researching Chinese characters, Chinese netizens gave him the nickname Hanzi Shushu, or Uncle Hanzi. A former programmer, Sears has already broken down 96,000 ancient characters and 8,000 commonly used Chinese characters through a computing algorithm and scanned them into his self-run
Tree trunk pulled from Chinese river and dumped in factory backyard turns out to be rare US$3m treasure | South China Morning Post A rare piece of 600-year-old wood that was once reserved for the use of the royal family has been found lying in the backyard of a furniture factory in central China, local media reported.
BEHOLD: Jiangsu city makes a name for itself with colossal hairy crab center: Shanghaiist Photos have been published online showing an imposing crab-shaped building that is nearing completion in the Jiangsu city of Kunshan, which is located in between Shanghai and Suzhou.
Viral Commercial Hits Close to Home for Chinese Students Abroad | What's on Weibo The commercial, that went trending on Weibo and Wechat today, touched many people to tears. Moved by these parents’ unconditional love for their child, people shared their own stories of studying abroad and receiving help from their parents.
Energy, Environment, Science And Health
China Takes Major Step toward Setting up National Carbon Trading Program | Environmental Defense Fund The Chinese government today picked the entities that will lead two key systems of its forthcoming national carbon market. China Hubei Emission Exchange was selected by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to lead the development of the registration system for the emissions trading system (ETS), and the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange was selected to lead the development of its carbon-trading platform, also known as the exchange.
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area to see heavy air pollution - Xinhua The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and nearby areas will see heavy air pollution from Nov. 4 to Nov. 8, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) warned, urging local authorities to be alert and make plans.
China's top coal province Shanxi to start winter pollution war early - Reuters The province said local governments must “strictly implement” emergency emission cutting measures and impose limits on industrial output and freight beginning on Nov. 4 after forecasters predicted a bout of unfavorable weather.
The Chinese 'miracle' elixir that threatens donkeys around the world | Working in development | The Guardian That was back in 2004, and since then China’s ejiao industry has turned into a global megabusiness. What was once a humble blood tonic for conditions like anemia – a claim supported by no clinical evidence – has been rebranded as a wellness product for China’s ascendant middle class, and now features in face creams, sweets and liqueurs, as well as a wide variety of medicinal preparations. There are claims it will help with anemia and acne, boost your energy, improve your sleep, nourish your yin, prevent cancer, make you look better and even improve your libido. It is billed, in short, as a miracle elixir.
China Drug Authority Refutes Study Linking TCM Herbs to Cancer - Sixth Tone The study, published Oct. 23 in the medical journal Science Translational Medicine, examined DNA in 1,400 liver cancers from around the world and discovered a link between aristolochic acid (AA) and a certain genetic mutation associated with the disease. AA is found in many herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and 47 percent of the DNA samples from the Chinese mainland showed AA-related mutations.
Petition · Peer Review Boycott of Academic Publications that Censor Content in China · With a large number of signatories, we can send a strong message to major academic publishers and/or their holding companies. This petition will be sent to the five major publishing companies that control over half of international peer-reviewed academic work (Reed-Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor & Francis and Sage); to all the major university presses in Asian studies in the U.S., Europe and Australia; as well as to the major academic databases (like LexisNexis and Web of Science)
Dude, where’s my paper? – China Policy Institute: Analysis China is set on pursuing its own model and it is evident at this point that the west is not going to have much impact on the contours of Chinese norms. The question is whether Chinese norms will start to impact our own behaviours. In fact, there is sufficient evidence that the question is not “whether” but rather “to what extent”.
Teaching China Humanities Online: A Harvard Graduate Student’s Experience Ted Hui, Ph.D. candidate in Harvard’s Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, describes his experience creating an online course with HarvardX. ChinaX’s latest online course, “China Humanities: The Individual in Chinese Culture” is open for enrollment from October 31, 2017 to March 1, 2018
Food And Travel
Travel app has been acquired by Chinese travel giant Ctrip - Business Insider Terms were not disclosed but raised $39 million from investors like Battery Ventures, Redpoint and Expedia via a strategic partnership with Expedia's vacation-home-rental unit Homeaway.
Sign of the Times: Beijing Skyline to Be Scrubbed Clean of Rooftop Advertisments | the Beijinger According to the "Beijing Municipal Identifying Sign Set-Up Management Regulations," buildings over three stories high will only be allowed to have rooftop signs of the building's name. Local companies and businesses will be restricted to displaying their names on signs no higher than three stories.
School for Migrant Children in Beijing Fights Forced Closure - Caixin Global Shutting down the school, which offers classes from grades one through nine and pre-school courses, could leave nearly 1,500 migrant children in limbo. In an open letter to the media on Monday, management of Shijingshan Huangzhuang School in the city’s Shijingshan district, said that it has received a notice from the local education authority ordering the school to wind down operations by the end of this semester in late January.
Jobs And Events
CSIS Careers The Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) is recruiting a part-time, paid intern for a Spring 2018 (January – May 2018) intern who can provide dedicated research support for projects regarding China’s domestic and international economic issues