Summary of the today’s top items:
Covid and reopening - We are stuck with alternative data sources to try to guess that status of the outbreaks across the country. Subway usage data may be a useful indicator, and according to Bloomberg those data show that 11 large cities may have already passed the peak of infections. According to the National Health Commission the focus of epidemic prevention and control in China has shifted from "infection prevention" to "health protection and severe disease prevention 从“防感染”转向“保健康、防重症". There is also a renewed push to use Traditional Chinese Medicine formulations.
Debate over how to deal with travelers from China - The PRC government is getting upset with countries that require pre-departure negative PCR tests by travelers from the PRC, and the EU appears closer to requiring such a test. The PRC will require a pre-departure negative PCR test even after it official ends quarantine January 8, though that will be for travelers from anywhere, not just …