The China Fantasy; The China Threat; US-China Trade Tensions & Wang Qishan's Role; Demonization of Sun Zhengcai; Lunar New Year
Happy Wednesday. China is now on holiday for over a week. If there is enough to write about tomorrow I will do a newsletter, otherwise I may wait until next week for the next subscriber update.
The PRC embassy party last night was fun as they go but overall a bit depressing as we are clearly heading into one of the most difficult periods in US-China relations since normalization.
Yesterday's issue noted in item #5 that the bipartisan consensus among US foreign policy elites is that America's China policy has failed. The trigger for that item was The China Reckoning | Foreign Affairs by Kurt Campbell & Ely Ratner.
In 2007 James Mann wrote The China Fantasy, which in my 2011 post James Mann And His Prescient Book “The China Fantasy” I called "the most important and prescient American book on China of the 21st century" and said “Mann pissed off a lot of people, including me the first time I read it. In fact, he attacked the foreign policy and business elite (and specifically the Sinology…