There are nine days until the weeklong October 1 National Day Holiday, eighteen days until the start of the Seventh Plenum and twenty five days until the convening of the 20th Party Congress. The most interesting event between now and the October holiday will likely be the September publicized monthly Politburo meeting next week, otherwise I expect things will be relatively quiet and heavy on “positive energy” for the next several weeks.
Summary of today’s top items:
Outbreak - Official media say the situation in Lhasa is improving, I suggest a healthy dose of skepticism about all reports of outbreaks between now and the end of the Party Congress, as the censors are ramping up to 11 to ensure a positive energy environment to welcome the victory of the 20th Party Congress. As I wrote last week, while we have decent visibility into outbreaks and control measures in major cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen there are many places in the PRC where we have very little idea what is re…