Thursday March 20th at 8Pm ET I will host a Sinocism Live conversation with Jonathan Czin, now the Michael H. Armacost Chair in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution, and before that was for many years at the CIA as one of the US intelligence community’s top China experts. He was director for China at the National Security Council from 2021 to 2023, where he staffed all of President Biden’s interactions with President Xi.Among the topics we will discuss:US-China relations - where are they headed under President Trump, and how might the PRC respond, bilaterally but also globally?Is the “Reverse Nixon” idea plausible? How strong are the PRC-Russia and Xi-Putin relationships? How powerful is Xi Jinping, how long do you think he will be in power, and how might succession planning play out?I will also collect questions from the Sinocism chat and if we have time try to get to them.
I wonder if Bill and company could tackle the senseless Trump decision to cancel VOA services (which include its excellent Mandarin and Cantonese language services)?
Recently, a number of publications question how strong Xi’s hold on the PLA is:
Joel Wuthnow:
Minxin Pei:
Brandon Tran and Gerui Zhang:
K. Tristan Tang:
How do you weigh these articles and their arguments?
I wonder if Bill and company could tackle the senseless Trump decision to cancel VOA services (which include its excellent Mandarin and Cantonese language services)?
Excellent - any chance there will be a replay for those of us in Europe who may prefer to sleep at that time of day?
yes there will be a replay