Xi Jinping is still on his Qinghai inspection tour, the full propaganda package is not out, but we do have some pictures: From the initial propaganda bulletins ethnic unity, grassroots governance, and ecological civilization are among the themes of this tour. Any guesses about where his last trip will be before the July 1 100th birthday celebration?
"Socialism, China have not failed each other." I suppose it's to be expected that The People's Daily should conflate China and the CCP. It's important that we not do the same. I read this column and couldn't help but think of bad Cultural Revolution-era opera, the type that put Uncle Duke of Doonesbury fame to sleep. It appears the CCP is continuing to sputter with ever greater alacrity.
Last trip before the BIG day - 76 Xingye Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
"Socialism, China have not failed each other." I suppose it's to be expected that The People's Daily should conflate China and the CCP. It's important that we not do the same. I read this column and couldn't help but think of bad Cultural Revolution-era opera, the type that put Uncle Duke of Doonesbury fame to sleep. It appears the CCP is continuing to sputter with ever greater alacrity.