Li Qiang at ASEAN; Fukushima; Real Estate; Huawei phone; Extreme scenario thinking 极限思维; iPhone ban for some
Earlier today I published this week’s episode of the Sharp China podcast in which we discussed Xi and the G-20, the MSS’s WeChat posts, Huawei’s new phone and US Commerce Secretary Raimondo’s PRC visit among other topics. You can listen to the podcast here.
Summary of today’s Essential Eight:
Li Qiang at ASEAN - So far no surprises, an unnamed external country wants a new Cold War and a code of conduct for the South China Sea will be coming sometime in the future.
Real Estate - Prices of some of the broken real estate stocks soared Wednesday, in part because of a front page Securities Times Commentary that said that purchase restriction policies are meant to curb speculative real estate investment of the past, and their implementation is no longer fit for the time. It says the recent moves by several cities, including Shenyang, to scrap purchase restrictions will help restore confidence. The article calls for “non-first-tier cities” to do away with purchase restrictions as soon as possi…