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I would say the PRC's reported experience has no obvious relevance for the U.S. because there is no way to verify it. And since this information campaign was designed to protect or burnish Beijing's image at the world's expense, it is perilous to take it literally. Luckily, democratic and like-minded countries are free to see how they're doing and demand adjustments as seems necessary. Honestly, from everything I can see, testing, contact tracing, and isolation are the way to get to the new normal. We've only just begun to test - hopefully we can institute a mass program soon.

The real kicker seems to be the silent spreaders. Distancing helps, but testing can really change mass behavior - if you do it.

Note that Asian countries had the experience of SARS to sensitize them. They were probably in the same boat as us knowledge-wise in January, but their societal instincts were to lock down, and it worked (well enough, for now).

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