17 years since the 9/11 attacks...
Thank you (and Chairman Mao) for the poem! Gives the feeling that things are tough now, but don't worry overmuch. Take the long view. We can accomplish quite a lot at home, even if the overall (world) environment is tough for now. Baidu has a discussion of the poem at https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%83%E5%BE%8B%C2%B7%E5%92%8C%E6%9F%B3%E4%BA%9A%E5%AD%90%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F/5958606?fromtitle=%E5%92%8C%E6%9F%B3%E4%BA%9A%E5%AD%90%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F&fromid=10311224 Seems a bit like going back to Deng's famous 24 character strategy and "biding our time".
Thank you (and Chairman Mao) for the poem! Gives the feeling that things are tough now, but don't worry overmuch. Take the long view. We can accomplish quite a lot at home, even if the overall (world) environment is tough for now. Baidu has a discussion of the poem at https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%83%E5%BE%8B%C2%B7%E5%92%8C%E6%9F%B3%E4%BA%9A%E5%AD%90%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F/5958606?fromtitle=%E5%92%8C%E6%9F%B3%E4%BA%9A%E5%AD%90%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F&fromid=10311224 Seems a bit like going back to Deng's famous 24 character strategy and "biding our time".