@Bill what do you mean with: Perhaps if the politicians had not rolled over in the Gui MInhai case Chinese diplomats would be a bit less aggressive?

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At least publicly Sweden looks a patsy terrified of beijing. Maybe a little

more spine on trying to protect their kidnapped citizen might have given

beijing pause. Or Maybe not

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well, Sweden has always deployed "Quiet Diplomacy", the opposite of the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden. But something is definitely not working out with the quiet diplomacy or the Ambassador is trying to pave way for a career back in Beijing (but I suspect he is acting on behalf of Beijing). I think (without knowing anything) that the Swedish Foreign Ministry is quite worried as the Gui Minhan case isn't being resolved (a Chinese native, Swedish citizen living in HK ended up on their desk) and with the recent election, there's also not really any government in place that can respond to or negotiate with China.

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"Who invented the wheel?" = Guess I'm brain dead today with a major case of Stupid. So yeah, I"ll try harder next time.

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"Who invented the wheel?" Come on.......Chinese can claim many things, but not particularly noted for their role in the wheel.

As far as patents go......I can only speak authoritatively to the referenced "sustainable and renewable energy" field. Most Chinese patents in these fields are substandard copies of Western patents. I think the only way to judge the Chinese patents that are truly patentable are those which also have US patent protection. Most of the Chinese patents I deal with are junk and a waste of time.

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"Who invented the wheel?" my comment has nothing to do with China. You must try harder next term !!

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U r missing the point He s making with the wheel. As for junk Patents, u need to show % comparison. Most patents and patent apps are junk anyway.

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"Chinese institute's virtual ground stations serve 10 countries" Hmmm that is interesting ref Mozi / Micius !!

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China’s ‘Masculinity Crisis’: Reminded (again) of Cixin Liu from "The Tree Body Problem" More the mindset than definable knowledge but very worth the read to lose the legacy blinkers ............

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The Chinese government is totally underestimating the role of exports in China's GDP. China is a nation built on exports and limited access to the world's largest market will have an impact well above the "zero-point-something" percentage of growth reduction they would like to assume. It is going to be really bad for consumption in the US, too. Both are going to experience unforseen effects, that will drive them to the negotiation table.

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Sep 18, 2018
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If you superficially believe (Chinese) statistics instead of looking at the facts on the ground, and the interdependencies, then you won't ever get the point. But if the US government sticks to the tariffs, you will see what I mean.

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Sep 21, 2018
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You don't get my point.

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You say "the message to the PRC that America has a broader strategy to contain China’s rise is crystal clear now". That sounds like parroting the CCP propaganda line to me.

Why not just take the administration at face value that the Chinese are basically thieving cheats without a moral compass.

One of the SCMP articles you linked to has these two quotes:

Martin Wang, an engineer who formerly worked for a Shenzhen-based tech start-up as a robotics integrator, said his team spent years studying and dismantling robot-related core parts in the hope of understanding them. “But we failed and could not even re-assemble and restore [the robot’s] function because it’s not simple – it takes technological know-how and talent accumulated over decades,” Wang said.


“We lack original research and have already tried to catch up by copying advanced technology. But neither technology-related mergers and acquisitions nor copycat [production] can close the gap in the short term.”

Wang freely and without any hint of embarrassment admits to attempted theft of IP that has absolutely nothing to do with "containing China's rise". Apparently theft is now inculcated into Chinese culture and far too many Western CEO's are complicit.

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The quotes are great thanks. But which part supports your point? Attempt to understand ist truely a rational human behaviour and basic human right. It s not theft. Also seems He s arguing against dishonest short cuts in developing tech knowhow. So much of today's narrative against china is no different from Chicom narrative against 'the West'. Just emtional 'poor me' 'how dare they' junk.

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"Chinese are basically thieving cheats" who invented the wheel ?

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I think Bill hit the spot with his containment comment. However, the development precedes Trump's reign, China containment was long in the making.

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