Thanks Bill for an excellent update and great insights in today’s edition. As a Beijing based resident now into his and his family’s 3rd week of self-quarantine Sinocism and SupChina are keeping me going!

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good luck, must be very strange to be in beijing right now. stay safe!

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Anyone seen any good theory on the differing death rates in Hubei vs China ex Hubei and world ex China (the latter two of which r similar enough given the differences in sample size)? Something very strange is going on with Hubei. Unless somehow the virus is much less lethal and under-detection of infection is huge in Hubei.

Arguably there s probably huge under- detection of the infected outside China atm also. So a highly infecticious non-leathal virus that can always mutate into something bad? But then that s true for most viruses. What is a boy to do indeed. i wish Xi good luck. I bet his Chinese enemies, mostly much uglier and more unscrupulous characters than him, for once do not want to be in his shoes.

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