What a world we live in. How is it that the Chinese Central Bank talks like a conservative monetarist while Western Central Banks are all busy being touchy feely New Keynesians (used to be synonymous with Socialist Economics)? But then QE is all about robbing the poor to give to the rich, kind of a reverse-socialism, while Chicom at least says it will focus on the poorest for the next few years. Contradictions are apparently everywhere.
What a world we live in. How is it that the Chinese Central Bank talks like a conservative monetarist while Western Central Banks are all busy being touchy feely New Keynesians (used to be synonymous with Socialist Economics)? But then QE is all about robbing the poor to give to the rich, kind of a reverse-socialism, while Chicom at least says it will focus on the poorest for the next few years. Contradictions are apparently everywhere.