"Xi has purged many of them, and others — reading the tea leaves — have changed their tune..." This stood out for me from John Pomfret. Kind of summrises the mentality that has caused this almost 90-year Long history of American China Policy failure (am counting from the 30s)...just because someone is anti-chicom or an enemy of chicom doesnt mean he is a friend worthy of American benefit of the doubt, good will, much less support. That might have worked, to a fashion (if one IS willing to ignore the mess and sufferings made throughout the world following that policy to counter soviet influences), it plainly has not against chicom. In fact what really broke the soviet was old fahsioned divide (the Party) and conquer.
Chicom is a formidable, adaptable and competent organisation like nothing the anti-chicom fantasists, radicals (not so different from marxists and chicom of the old) and inept freeloaders in Greater China can remotely come up with. Until that reality IS acknowledged and policies adjusted accordingly, US policy is providng the perfect envrionment for an organisation like chicom to thrive: a credible and constant existential threat plus in reality ample room in which to maneuver.
So unless the hawks and the ideologues are serious about their talk and are prepared to walk the walk, their constant selfrighteous pontifications (especially when inconsistent or exaggerated) and chest thumping do far more harm than good. IMHO.
Hello! This is Yufan. If I understand correctly this list is made by Bloomberg based on this picture shot at the opening ceremony of the talk. I noticed Zhong Shan attended all these ceremonies in Beijing but this is different from the actual trade talks. You don't do trade talks with flowers and plants in between. The only pictures I could find about the actual negotiators in Beijing not shot from the ceremonies are the ones I put in the link, and Zhong is not there. Also, according to Xinhua, Zhong is never part of Liu He's negotiation team that travelled to DC for talks.
"Xi has purged many of them, and others — reading the tea leaves — have changed their tune..." This stood out for me from John Pomfret. Kind of summrises the mentality that has caused this almost 90-year Long history of American China Policy failure (am counting from the 30s)...just because someone is anti-chicom or an enemy of chicom doesnt mean he is a friend worthy of American benefit of the doubt, good will, much less support. That might have worked, to a fashion (if one IS willing to ignore the mess and sufferings made throughout the world following that policy to counter soviet influences), it plainly has not against chicom. In fact what really broke the soviet was old fahsioned divide (the Party) and conquer.
Chicom is a formidable, adaptable and competent organisation like nothing the anti-chicom fantasists, radicals (not so different from marxists and chicom of the old) and inept freeloaders in Greater China can remotely come up with. Until that reality IS acknowledged and policies adjusted accordingly, US policy is providng the perfect envrionment for an organisation like chicom to thrive: a credible and constant existential threat plus in reality ample room in which to maneuver.
So unless the hawks and the ideologues are serious about their talk and are prepared to walk the walk, their constant selfrighteous pontifications (especially when inconsistent or exaggerated) and chest thumping do far more harm than good. IMHO.
Bloomberg listed Zhong Shan as part of negotiations in February https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-14/across-the-negotiating-table-a-who-s-who-of-china-s-trade-team
Hello! This is Yufan. If I understand correctly this list is made by Bloomberg based on this picture shot at the opening ceremony of the talk. I noticed Zhong Shan attended all these ceremonies in Beijing but this is different from the actual trade talks. You don't do trade talks with flowers and plants in between. The only pictures I could find about the actual negotiators in Beijing not shot from the ceremonies are the ones I put in the link, and Zhong is not there. Also, according to Xinhua, Zhong is never part of Liu He's negotiation team that travelled to DC for talks.
Ahhhh. I saw tables and equated to part of the sit down discussions. Thank you for clarifying Yufan!!
You'd think Neil Bush might want to keep his head down about China-related matters. The last time he was in the news about China was in 2003: http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/11/25/bush.brother.reut/. Check out the last five paragraphs.