One thing to note - although Zhao Lijian seems to have been reined in, Cui's comment emphatically did not say anything definitive about the origin of the virus - it just kicked the question into the long grass. So, is anything (re)solved? Not yet. Suits PRC to keep this open, but off the boil. Thankfully someone had the sense to tell ZLJ that enough was enough and that there could be big consequences to him shooting his mouth off.
A lot of soul searching is needed in the West once the outbreak abates. The way it s been mismanaged, with thousands of lives unnecessarily lost, is inexcusable. Especially in Europe. How can rich, experienced, sophisticated, open and transparent systems fail so badly? I find operation distraction/scapegoat distasteful. Am proud to say that Europe is not doing it. Maybe it s just because we r too busy fighting fire atm. I d like to think otherwise. I hope democratic accountability can make a much needed come back.
I just don’t buy their official statistics on infections and deaths. Everything we learn about this virus suggests that it’s virulent and deadly yet days after the Supreme Leader says get back to work, the numbers miraculously start falling. And amazingly, international agencies and news reporters buy it. As if it’s come from some liberal state in the EU. Just incredible. Where is the journalism? The investigative reporting? None...
So I am living in SH. Don't know if the numbers around the whole country are true, but things are under control in SH. We walked by a hospital the other day, no lines. Shopping centers are no longer measuring for temperature (though they should). Not saying the number is real since I think other parts of China are hit harder. However, in general, CN people are much more self-aware in the sense they keep to themselves and stay home. This 2-month house arrest has brought the infection rate to a super low number. At least whenever we get a new case in SH wechat rumors spreads like wildfire.
Stop deluding yourself. Respect facts and u wont go far wrong. Living in your own political ideological fantasy and wishful thinking, your forcast and advice would be useless to anyone but propaganda chiefs.
Wow. You really are a piece of work. Actually, I went to Singapore and Hong Kong to see for myself at close range what was going on, in early February. I talked with many informed people and I advised my clients - and did this myself - to buy put options on S&P. Made a lot of money.
You really should not make assumptions. I’m a statistician and economist ...
One thing to note - although Zhao Lijian seems to have been reined in, Cui's comment emphatically did not say anything definitive about the origin of the virus - it just kicked the question into the long grass. So, is anything (re)solved? Not yet. Suits PRC to keep this open, but off the boil. Thankfully someone had the sense to tell ZLJ that enough was enough and that there could be big consequences to him shooting his mouth off.
A lot of soul searching is needed in the West once the outbreak abates. The way it s been mismanaged, with thousands of lives unnecessarily lost, is inexcusable. Especially in Europe. How can rich, experienced, sophisticated, open and transparent systems fail so badly? I find operation distraction/scapegoat distasteful. Am proud to say that Europe is not doing it. Maybe it s just because we r too busy fighting fire atm. I d like to think otherwise. I hope democratic accountability can make a much needed come back.
I just don’t buy their official statistics on infections and deaths. Everything we learn about this virus suggests that it’s virulent and deadly yet days after the Supreme Leader says get back to work, the numbers miraculously start falling. And amazingly, international agencies and news reporters buy it. As if it’s come from some liberal state in the EU. Just incredible. Where is the journalism? The investigative reporting? None...
So I am living in SH. Don't know if the numbers around the whole country are true, but things are under control in SH. We walked by a hospital the other day, no lines. Shopping centers are no longer measuring for temperature (though they should). Not saying the number is real since I think other parts of China are hit harder. However, in general, CN people are much more self-aware in the sense they keep to themselves and stay home. This 2-month house arrest has brought the infection rate to a super low number. At least whenever we get a new case in SH wechat rumors spreads like wildfire.
Sorry for the personal Stuff. But the Video is well worth following. The doctor reviews up to date published research.
Stop deluding yourself. Respect facts and u wont go far wrong. Living in your own political ideological fantasy and wishful thinking, your forcast and advice would be useless to anyone but propaganda chiefs.
Wow. You really are a piece of work. Actually, I went to Singapore and Hong Kong to see for myself at close range what was going on, in early February. I talked with many informed people and I advised my clients - and did this myself - to buy put options on S&P. Made a lot of money.
You really should not make assumptions. I’m a statistician and economist ...
Oh, and their numbers, pure fantasy
please be polite and avoid insults or ad hominem attacks
Great analysis as usual. What did you make of this:
thanks, hard to know without more details of where the letter is coming from