re Dapiran and "It will be seen as a sign that the Hong Kong people are making the wrong choice, and action needs to be taken to correct them..." I don't know why Beijing is so worried about Hong Kong. I mean, there are millions of people in Xinjiang making wrong choices, and Beijing has a solution in place for that sort of incorrect …
re Dapiran and "It will be seen as a sign that the Hong Kong people are making the wrong choice, and action needs to be taken to correct them..." I don't know why Beijing is so worried about Hong Kong. I mean, there are millions of people in Xinjiang making wrong choices, and Beijing has a solution in place for that sort of incorrect thinking. Wouldn't have to build new camps. Could probably use university dorms or an empty office building or two .... I fear that the only result from these months will be some version of Remember Hong Kong! akin to Remember the Alamo!
re Dapiran and "It will be seen as a sign that the Hong Kong people are making the wrong choice, and action needs to be taken to correct them..." I don't know why Beijing is so worried about Hong Kong. I mean, there are millions of people in Xinjiang making wrong choices, and Beijing has a solution in place for that sort of incorrect thinking. Wouldn't have to build new camps. Could probably use university dorms or an empty office building or two .... I fear that the only result from these months will be some version of Remember Hong Kong! akin to Remember the Alamo!
Sadly, I agree.