QIU's precedessor HAO Ping is a historian by training, and obviously is considered as not "tough" enough as Party Secretary, particularly given two recent incidents. One is the 岳昕 case, a PKU student "disappeared" a few weeks ago, due to involvement in labour movements at Shenzhen. The other one is the orthodox 北京大学马列协会 case. Google these keywords to find out more.

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Yes please continue with these short notes - useful - thanks - Simon

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Bill, I appreciate you raising our attention to this issue. This is a useful format. Please keep it coming.

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Definitely appreciate these kind of detailed news items, understanding of what's (really) going on in China is in the details

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A very good idea and useful contribution; keep 'em coming. Oh, and one other thing, feel free to send out these comments whenever you think warranted. You have excellent judgments about what is important!

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Yes. This is a great supplement to the newsletter. Your initial note on this topic caught my attention and appreciate your circling back on the issue.

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Wish we’d had a source like Sinocism back in the tea-leaf days of the sixties and seventies. Your service is enormously valuable, and this latest innovation makes it even more so. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you

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Thanks for the great notes. Your analyses are what set your newsletter apart from the wannabes!

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Bill, yes, a welcomed short note with valuable reminders about 2019. Please keep them coming.

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I very much like the commentary, as long as it doesn't engulf the newsletter!

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Short but significant reporting is informative. I like it! Take this opportunity to offer a general comment on Sinocism. Bill Bishop,as a former long time resident of BJ, should be able to reflect on things evenly. For instance, take the most symbolic event for Western pundits, 1989 TianAnMen affair. To be fair, it should only be condemned on ZhongNanHai's decision to crash demonstration by force and the lack of clear command to not use deadly force that ended up in sad tragedy, However, have Western press and politicians reflected on the escalating chaos spreading nationwide at that time and the likelihood of the nation disintegrated and degenerated into another TaiPing Rebellion! Then there wouldn't be a 1992 Southern Tour that led to the lifting of half a billion Chinese from poverty. Perhaps the tragic death of a thousand civilians was not a greater price to pay for the good of the nation's future. Think of where the U.S. would be in the late 19th Century and 20th Century if not for the casualties suffered during the American civil war in the mid 19th Century. Please also bear in mind the economic conditions, societal priority and political maturity of China in the late 1980's was at most comparable to the U.S. during the civil war era. Each country has to do what it takes to maintain stability and achieve prosperity at each stage of development!

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Short notes are great, good way to keep up with what's happening!

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Short notes are great, good way to keep up with what's happening!

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And here is another interesting point ... 陈希 1984-1987年 清华大学团委书记、校党委学生工作部副部长、校党委常委 1987-1990年 清华大学党委常委、学生工作部部长,校团委书记 ... 邱水平 1990.09-1991.09北京大学团委副书记 1991.09-1996.09北京大学团委书记、学生工作部部长 ... Probably CHEN knows QIU since long ago.

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Keep 'em coming!

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Very welcome, Bill, this kind of short notes which otherwise could well escape our attention. Please continue! Jan

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