No use of hegemony?

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Is that a light Gang of Four homage in the first paragraph? Also "Democratic Party elder Barack Obama" had me laughing. Nice work.

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not the only reference...

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Please write a new one, after the shooting

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Addendum: Mr. Trump emulating the Great Helmsman is proclaiming a "West is Red" policy for his insurgent cadres. In preparation for his upcoming plenum in two weeks, he has adopted the 371 Core Principles of Xi Jinping Thought as a guidance called "Project 2025." Already the United States Supreme Court dominated by affiliates of his Central Committee has moved away from the regressive constraints of mistaken Western Constitutional Democracy to follow China's golden example of having a Supreme Leader guide a People's Revolution. I cannot predict or infer from my sources if this will happen without violence.

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Yes. The one pushing for Michelle Obama is me.

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Brilliant Exercise, appreciate the creativity.

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Not too bad! I would add...

"Our favored Presidential candidate Trump has remained uncharacteristically silent following the old principle,"When the animals in the yard are fighting, prepare a big feast!" Be aware that although the President and his capacity for leadership appear impaired, the military is quiet and not participating in the turmoil. I have not heard of any signs of restlessness, weakness or vulnerability even though the "Commander in Chief" is displaying many signs of elderly decline frequently in public. ('Respect the wisdom of aged, except when they act like jackasses.') The US is not a "paper tiger" and its bite remains worse than its roar."

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Please let there be a crossover episode with stowaway Li Shangfu covering up for Hunter Biden and causing problems for Boeing Starliner

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The Chinese author surely has one eye on his future promotion. Therefore he would surely be pointing out that failure to acknowledge and adhere to Xi Jinping thought is at the root of the problems in US politics.

Agree with Barry. This is not offensive. Not sure it will win a Pullitzer or a Nobel prize for literature, but I guess you can live with that Bill.

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Can't imagine why this would cause anyone to unsubscribe. This seems like a pretty accurate summary of the state of play from what I have seen.

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