In any conflict, the side with an accurate read on reality ultimately wins. Am afraid, i habe to say, that that side atm is chicom. The desire by the Western consensus to fit reality into a romanticised/dramatised Cold War winning feel-good narrative to the current conflict, no matter what that reality is, even after 70 years of failure w.r.t the PRC and 20 years of failure in MENA countries, is inexplicable and a great disservice to humanity. I see two end outcomes if the current trend continues, neither good: 1) chicom deals with all the misjudged hardballs and cements its unchallengeable position in east Asia and beyond, with or without a quick and limited hot war; or 2) exacerbated by lack of success (not a surprise given current strategy) despite successive 'sure win' moves, the hawks keep doubling the stakes every 6 months till an all out war in which the whole world not to mention East Asia suffers...whether America gets away with a pyrrhic victory or not in that sceanrio is unclear.
My whinge has been prompted by what i see as a nonchalant, unthinking yet determined effort by the West to see only what it wants to see regarding China/Trade War/HK/etc. and ignores any facts that do not sit well with the desired script (based on the last Cold War against an obviously different opponent).
And Is this post a chicom infiltration or propaganda effort? this question itself a double bluff in fact?
In any conflict, the side with an accurate read on reality ultimately wins. Am afraid, i habe to say, that that side atm is chicom. The desire by the Western consensus to fit reality into a romanticised/dramatised Cold War winning feel-good narrative to the current conflict, no matter what that reality is, even after 70 years of failure w.r.t the PRC and 20 years of failure in MENA countries, is inexplicable and a great disservice to humanity. I see two end outcomes if the current trend continues, neither good: 1) chicom deals with all the misjudged hardballs and cements its unchallengeable position in east Asia and beyond, with or without a quick and limited hot war; or 2) exacerbated by lack of success (not a surprise given current strategy) despite successive 'sure win' moves, the hawks keep doubling the stakes every 6 months till an all out war in which the whole world not to mention East Asia suffers...whether America gets away with a pyrrhic victory or not in that sceanrio is unclear.
My whinge has been prompted by what i see as a nonchalant, unthinking yet determined effort by the West to see only what it wants to see regarding China/Trade War/HK/etc. and ignores any facts that do not sit well with the desired script (based on the last Cold War against an obviously different opponent).
And Is this post a chicom infiltration or propaganda effort? this question itself a double bluff in fact?