A little pushback on the idea that both China and Russia have “long-term” interests in degrading US power and influence...since both nations policies are influenced by very singular personalities, I’m not sure long-term necessarily extends beyond the lifetime of either leader.

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1. it seems that the smoke that's been there for awhile these year or so between Vatican and Beijing is getting bigger or maybe even on the verge or bursting full blaze, as the foreign ministry in Taiwan suddenly released a statement that something big might happen on that front today https://www.hongkongfp.com/2018/09/13/historic-agreement-china-vatican-imminent-taiwan-foreign-ministry-says/ , given that the foreign ministry seem to have been completely blind sided in the last few break up during the Tsai era, that they're releasing this news is.... odd.

2. Meanwhile, Taiwan's own domestic politics is in some serious trouble as the biggest political capital Tsai's government have really thrown in the last couple years is in the creatation of a variety of "transitional justice" agencies and laws that has the state goals of reconciling Taiwan's authoritarian past, but many have long suspected that this is really just a tool for reverse political persecution / election ploy to make the KMT unviable as a political party even though the nature of the KMT transition with Eastern Europe or even South Africa is almost entirely incomparable to begin with (for one, that party still exist and has real voting support. unlike the Eastern European Communist parties or the National Party in South Africa.) Well those concerns seems to have been vindicated an then some yesterday when a tape leaked out of one of the vice chair to the committee of transitional justice whom in a private meeting with fellow members of the committee, boasted proudly that "they are now the new Eastern Depot (東廠)" ( a Ming dynasty secret police often compared to the Gestapo. ) and that their objective is to focus on attacking a particular KMT candidate ( who is well set to win New Taipei City mayorship in a landslide.)

Obviously this blew up like a nuclear bomb and the vice chair resigned immediately and the DPP have made endless rounds of apologies. but the dude is a long time DPP member and closely associated with the President ( her college era friend even.) so to say that this was totally just a rogue idiot blabbing none senses seems to be unconvincing at best.

So yeah. interesting times, but hey who really think the US is suddenly interested in backing Taiwan because of Democracies to begin with anyway? Marco Rubio would be totally giddy if the DPP goes full Nazi and gas all those that sympathize with the Mainland anyway.

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Yes. Sad state of affairs. I always caution policy makers (not that i speak to many directly. Lol ) that just because some 'chinese person' (quotation to include those who dont want to be 'chinese') is anti-chicom doesnt mean he/she is any better than Chicom either morally or intellectually. The latter is particularly lacking amongst the Anti-Chicom 'chinese''. let s not even talk about leadership quality, vision and charisma (pittiable doesnt begin to describe it).

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The "kindness and respect" quote is so funny. Am constantly amazed how blinkered sometimes Americans can be. Consider the reverse situation, would the Chinese be depicted as showing kindness and respect sending info gathering military aircrafts 20 miles from American military assets? Compete and jostle away for it is in the nature of things but to be so engrossed in one's own propaganda (intended for enemy consumption not oneself) is dangerous. Same might be said of the Trade War. What a funny time we live in. I d call this peace or victory disease.

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I'm pretty sure the Chinese military does conduct activities like that, to a lesser extent due to their more limited capabilities. The US military doesn't complain unless the Chinese engage in dangerous maneuvers that risk aerial or maritime collisions.

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I know. It s just that the phrase is so out of place. It s comparable to Chicom's favourite, "hurting the feelings of the chinese people'. Lol

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I attribute it to the generally poor writing of broadcast TV news scripts, as opposed to a "blinkered" American perspective. And it's not necessarily incorrect to say that the U.S. Navy is showing more respect to China than necessary. Contrary to the assertion of the ill-informed ABC News piece, the U.S. is not obliged under international law to stay 12 miles away from the Chinese-occupied features in the South China Sea. They could fly and sail much closer.

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