On China's Plan to Dominate the Global Electric Vehicle Supply Chain: Cobalt is not a rare earth element. China's plan to dominate EV is not news at all. As ever, China stands in its own way by allowing EV of poor quality on the roads, e.g. in Shanghai's state owned SAIC's EV, that wouldn't be allowed to hit the road, if they were tested for road safety like any other vehicle would. The old, nagging issue of all socialist state owned enterprise, low quality, low standard knock-offs that don't deliver. Besides, many EV in China run on lead-acid batteries. XJP just visited SOE China First Heavy Industries, heaping praise on the company. If there ever was a poll for China's worst supplier, China First would rank at the top. To say, that China does not require help when shooting itself in the foot with an elephant rifle.
On China's Plan to Dominate the Global Electric Vehicle Supply Chain: Cobalt is not a rare earth element. China's plan to dominate EV is not news at all. As ever, China stands in its own way by allowing EV of poor quality on the roads, e.g. in Shanghai's state owned SAIC's EV, that wouldn't be allowed to hit the road, if they were tested for road safety like any other vehicle would. The old, nagging issue of all socialist state owned enterprise, low quality, low standard knock-offs that don't deliver. Besides, many EV in China run on lead-acid batteries. XJP just visited SOE China First Heavy Industries, heaping praise on the company. If there ever was a poll for China's worst supplier, China First would rank at the top. To say, that China does not require help when shooting itself in the foot with an elephant rifle.